Wednesday, 17 April 2013


  1. Its Always good approach to keep the Tester from software Requirement and design phase , so that Tester can have full knowledge of application and if you are not being  part of it , then always Request to your superior and asked to be a part , to have full knowledge of product.

  1. Use traceability matrix to maximize Test Coverage whenever you test the application, because might be 100% coverage is not possible, but still try to reach near it.

  1. Try to Break the Modules into smaller sub modules  for i.e. if you are testing web based application and there is one functionality of checking User Information , so one should break into different parts like – UI,  Functional,  Security, Browser testing including Positive , Negative , Field type , validation test to ensure maximum coverage.

  1. Think positively as well as negatively while doing testing, as it’s very important while testing an application with intend of finding issues, by doing this you will definitely get subtle bugs. 
If any TCOE member has similar Testing tips based on their past experience and day to day learning then those can be published through this platform as sharing your own testing experience, ideas or testing secrets will definitely make TCOE more interesting and helpful!!
 -Testing Center of Excellence

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